Your belongings will be loaded at your home, directly into our purpose built containers. A detailed inventory will be made for each container. These are then secured, transported back to our warehouse on the removal vehicle and moved into our warehouse using a forklift. They are then logged on our internal computer system, which tracks your containers. When it’s time for you to move out of storage, your containers are put back onto our removal vehicle to be delivered to your new home. This system avoids double handling, which significantly reduces the risk of damage occurring to your home contents.

There are certain items (ladders and large rugs for example) that would be too large for a container, these items are wrapped, labelled and stored on our racks or mezzanine floors. We also put sofas on racks opposed to in containers to avoid pressure marks appearing over time. This type of storage provides peace of mind that your home contents are safe in our alarmed warehouse.
In some depots, we also offer the option of self-storage: