We understand moving can be stressful, but nearly 100 years’ experience and an empathetic team enables us to remove as much of this as possible, allowing you to enjoy the move into the new chapter of your life.

where are you moving to?

moving in the uK

Large or small, we move them all.

moving to or from europe

Many different options by road.

Moving across the world

Nowhere is too far. Options by air and sea.

Five steps to your new home

Get a quote

Step 1
The move to your new home can be completed in the five simple steps mentioned above. We are excited to help you through the process, and this all starts with arranging a quote.

Set the date

Step 2
Once you have decided to use us to handle your move, and are in a position to set a date, it is important to contact us so we can advise on availability.

Pack & Prepare

Step 3
Prior to your move date, we will need to arrange to deliver your boxes if you’re packing, or begin pre-packing if you’ve opted for a packing service.

Move Day

Step 4
The day has arrived, it’s time to move to your new home! Our friendly teams will be on hand throughout the day to make sure everything runs as smoothly as possible.

Settling In

Step 5
Once you are settled in and have unpacked your belongings, please let us know and we will arrange collecting your empty boxes.

NEARLY 100 years of heritage

why use GB LIners?

We are big enough to cope, but small enough to care. We are a three generation family business, which enables us to take a long term view. All of our team members throughout our 11 UK offices are employed by us, trained at our in-house training centre and have the option to become a shareholder within our business.


Moves Annually


removal vehicles


team members

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